How can you help

We can really use your support for the Voedselpark Amsterdam campaign. Together we plan to raise one million euros!

Online help

It would be great if you could share the letter below with your network in the coming weeks. There are plenty of images that you can use and we also have several videos you can share:

Sample text:
Imagine. Biking to harvest local vegetables, fresh from the land. Walking in the fields and listening the birds. Let’s protect the last piece of fertile land in Amsterdam by buying it together! Would you like to help make Voedselpark Amsterdam a reality? Share this message and donate via:

Instagram: @voedselpark_amsterdam
Twitter: @BehoudLutkemeer

Offline help

We want to be very visible in the city in the coming weeks. We have window posters, banners and flyers to spread around. We also hope to recruit donors at markets, in shopping streets and at other venues.

Would you like to spend an afternoon flyering and distributing posters, or do you live/work in a very visible place where we can hang our banner for 5 weeks? Let us know! You can mail us at

Together we will buy the Lutkemeerpolder!